2019-02-23 - Poiuyt House

^z 21st February 2023 at 12:45pm

~8.5 mi @ ~14.6 min/mi

"Twix!" Roadkill spies half a candy bar in a wrapper on the grass by the street. "Tastes great!" Nearby, Danger Man rolls his eyes. The duo rambles neighborhood streets, rediscover lost cut-throughs ("The Elusive Forest Glen!"), and arrive at a track to run a couple of brisk laps. Hypermodern architecture on Brunett Avenue brings to mind MAD Magazine and the infamous Three Pronged Blivet aka Impossible Trident aka Poiuyt.

On the way to Danger Man's home, an ice cream truck features SpongeBob SquarePants and other happy characters on sticks. Frozen joy!

(trackfile) - ^z - 2019-03-18